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Keep The Common Winter Pests Away: Live Better

Most of us have a common idea that hot summer days are the favorite time for the pests. But, the reality is little different. The predominance of the pests is linked with the chilled winter day as well.

Though most of the pests are active in summer, there are plenty of pests that are active during the winter season.

There are Pest Control Brisbane insects and rodents in the list that hibernate during the cold season, and the abandoned or vacant spaces of your home or office are their favorite place. Get Ants Pest Control Services at affordable prices.

If there are any access area in your garage or attic, in an unused closet or wall cavities, they will find their home.

Pest Control Brisbane

Common Winter Pests

So, what are the common winter pests you need to watch for? Below is the list. Know how they might enter your home and make it their shelter.

Mouse and Rat

They tend to enter your home during the cold season as they find it difficult to collect food outside. Due to lack of natural food source in winter, they try to invade into your home. If you store packed foods and cereals in some particular place, keep eyes on that area. 

Both mice and rats may wear away your wall or plumbing system in order to make access to your indoor. The rats have even stronger teeth than human which make them able to gnaw through concrete, brick, thin metal sheets etc. These may result in structural deformity of your house as well.  


There are hundreds of stories on the cute, furry critters we have read in our childhood, but these cute creatures may act havoc in your home. Squirrels are known for their rapacious gnawing and they may even become aggressive if their shelter is about to be destroyed.

But there are strict Pest Control Melbourne laws on squirrel extinction. Grey squirrels are found in huge numbers in the wild of the Australia. Hence, releasing a grey squirrel into the wild after catching, is a punishable offense.

winter pest control

These species must be killed following the approved humanely processes. In contrast, the red squirrel is a protected species and killing them or hurting their shelter (even within your property) is also the offence. 

Cockroach & Fly

Though found less in the outdoor during the winter season, the creepy Cockroach Control Brisbane and flies are found in huge quantity indoors. Once they find out a warm, comfortable place within your house, they are going to multiply rapidly.

These two pests not only ruin household things, or disturb businesses, but these two are responsible for spreading dirt and disease.

Hornet & Wasp

Though not commonly visible during the colder months, these insects search for warm places within your property to hibernate. If you leave them unnoticed, you may find a hive “appeared overnight” in the early spring.

Pest Control

Keep Away the Winter Pests

Keeping away the winter pests may be difficult, but not impossible. You have to take the precautions well before winter comes.

l  Lookout thoroughly and seal up even the smallest access areas within your property.
l  Make sure your food wastes (even pet foods) are properly dismissed. Never leave foodstuffs worktop or on the ground.  
l  Regularly check and clean unused areas.

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